Dinosaur fossil find in Fujian a game changer

BEIJING: Chinese and foreign scientists in Fujian province have discovered large dinosaur tracks, which they said are the largest known Deinonychosaur tracks ever found and have led to the establishment of a new footprint genus species.
A paper on the discovery was published in the academic journal iScience last month.
The research team found that at the large Late Cretaceous (110.5-66 million years ago) dinosaur track site discovered in Shanghang county, Longyan, there are some large Deinonychosaur tracks, with the extinct species estimated to be at least 5 meters in body length and nearly 2 meters in hip height, comparable in size to the South China Tyrannosaur and the Utahraptor, two fearsome dinosaur species previously discovered.
A team of Chinese and foreign scientists led by the China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and the Fujian Yingliang Stone Natural History Museum announced the discovery on Monday.
In 2020, the museum and the university worked as a joint scientific expedition team to search for dinosaur fossils in Fujian. Last year, the expedition team named the large Late Cretaceous dinosaur track site discovered in Shanghang as the “Fujian Longxiang Dinosaur Track Group”, and the related paper was published in the academic journal Cretaceous Research. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item