Discovering China through CUC

———– Camel Caravans on Silk Road and Intelligent Modern Academia of Today

By Tej Prasad Wagle,
PhD Student (Nepal)

The complex interactions between Nepal and China weave together their history, culture, and diplomacy. I’ve had the honor of diving deeply into this complex relationship as a doctoral candidate from Nepal at the Communication University of China (CUC), examining its historical roots, current dynamics, and the long-lasting effects of the Tea Horse Road and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
A Scholarly Journey: Exploring Nepal-China Relations through Education at CUC
Chinese universities are increasingly becoming a popular choice for Nepali students seeking advanced education abroad, owing to their robust academic foundations and rapidly growing research capabilities. This dynamic enhances students’ academic experiences and fosters mutual understanding and appreciation of culture between these two countries. Within this framework, my own educational experience at Communication University of China (CUC) is a striking example of these changing patterns. The article delves into the historical and contemporary significance of the Tea Horse Road and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in defining modern bilateral relations, as well as how my experiences at CUC mirror larger developments in Nepal-China interactions.
In September 2023, I embarked on my academic journey at the Communication University of China (CUC), motivated by a steadfast ambition to enhance my knowledge in a country renowned for its rich historical and cultural heritage, as well as its rapid modernization. After working for more than ten years in government agencies, politics, and mainstream media in Nepal, I realized a need to broaden my scholarly horizons. With CUC’s stellar reputation in communication studies and prime location in Beijing, I aspired to expand my knowledge of global communication practices and strategies, making it an excellent fit for my study.
Several factors influenced my decision to study in China. First of all, China’s swift progress in communication and media studies presents a rare chance to interact with state-of-the-art methods and cutting-edge research. For any student hoping to comprehend the future directions of the world’s media landscapes, this exposure is priceless. Second, studying in China offers a comprehensive immersive experience in one of the oldest civilizations on Earth, enabling a thorough exploration of its intricate social dynamics, rich history, and diverse culture. A comprehensive grasp of international relations requires this kind of cultural immersion. Finally, my scholarly interests are strategically important because understanding China’s communication strategies and media landscapes is crucial to understanding broader international relations and regional dynamics.
The Silk Road’s Echoes: Understanding Nepal-China Relations through the Tea Horse Road and BRI
I’ve benefited from a thorough curriculum, a lively academic community, and access to resources that influence the direction of communication studies at CUC. The university’s emphasis on real-world experience and high-quality research has greatly enhanced my educational experience. I had the chance to visit a number of Chinese cities during my first year at CUC, each of which provided a different viewpoint on the nation’s progress and cultural legacy. These trips deepened my awareness of China’s overnight transition and its unique regional features, and they were also extremely gratifying intellectually. I had the chance to visit a number of Chinese cities during my time as an academic at Communication University of China (CUC), each of which provided a different outlook on the nation’s progress and cultural legacy. But the trip I took to Gansu is what really stuck with me.
The Tea Horse Road, an ancient trade route connecting Yunnan, China, with Nepal, has had a significant impact on Nepal-China relations. This historic route facilitated trade and cultural exchanges, influencing the two countries’ current relations. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) launched by China in 2013 builds on the legacy of the Tea Horse Road, benefiting Nepal economically but also bringing regional and diplomatic complexities. Nepal’s participation in the BRI reflects its strategic interests in economic growth and infrastructure development while balancing its relations with China and India.
My time at CUC and trips throughout China have given me an in-depth understanding of the nation’s modern developments, cultural diversity, historical development, and economic upswing. Building upon the historical roots set by the Tea Horse Road is crucial as Nepal and China continue to strengthen their bilateral relations. Both countries can build a more affluent and secure future for themselves and the region by boosting economic cooperation, understanding one another, and tackling common challenges. The study revealed the historical significance of the Tea Horse Road as a route for tea and cultural contacts between China and Nepal, which had a particularly significant influence.
In addition to facilitating trade, this historic trading route promoted religious and cultural exchanges, establishing early connections that still impact current bilateral relations. The BRI’s adherence to this historical legacy emphasizes how important past trade routes are to the development of modern diplomatic and commercial relations. The Tea Horse Road’s legacy serves as a testament to the ongoing nature of contacts between China and Nepal, showing how past ties continue to affect current interactions.