Distributing free cigarette samples in Upper House denounced

By Ali Imran

RAWALPINDI: General Secretary, Pakistan National Heart Association (PANAH), Sanaullah Ghuman said that it was a reprehensible act to give cigarette samples for free and as gifts in the esteemed Houses. Awareness campaigns on the harmful effects of tobacco are being carried out all over the world, including asylum seekers, while such measures are tantamount to harming the campaign. We appeal to the government to take action against such acts.
Talking to media persons on Tuesday, Sanaullah Ghuman said that PANAH has been working for 36 years to protect its compatriots from heart diseases, in which the smoker is suffering from heart disease. Asylum is the cause of many diseases other than the disease of Asylum. Asylum is engaged in formulating policies and laws to prevent its harm and to prevent it.
He said that distribution of tobacco samples under the law of Pakistan (SRO 53/2009). Giving a gift is an illegal act. A wrong act was done by distributing free cigarette samples in the Upper House, which we strongly condemn.
Sanaullah Ghulam said, we appeal to the Prime Minister Imran Khan to ensure the observance of the law. We are trying to save the people from the ravages of tobacco. When such a message is sent from the esteemed houses, the campaign to save the people from its harm may be harmed, he added.