Domestic cruise ship passes sea trial

BEIJING: China’s first domestically built large cruise ship, the Adora Magic City, has completed its first sea trial and returned to its home port of Shanghai, according to China State Shipbuilding Corp, the world’s largest shipbuilder.
The sea trial started on July 17 when the massive ship set sail from Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, a CSSC subsidiary and the vessel’s construction contractor. The vessel returned to the shipyard on Monday evening.
During the eight-day trial operation, engineers carried out more than 60 function tests, comprehensively verifying the capability and performance of the ship’s power, propulsion, control and other systems, CSSC said in a news release on Tuesday, adding that engineers also checked whether the vessel’s equipment is convenient and comfortable for passengers to use.
Next, engineers will continue to fine-tune the equipment on the ship and finish decorating its interior. The ship’s second sea trial is scheduled to take place before October, the company said.
If everything goes according to plan, the “floating luxury hotel” will be delivered to its buyer around the end of this year, according to Chen Gang, general manager of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding and chief designer of the cruise ship.
The Adora Magic City is 323.6 meters long, 37.2 meters wide and 72 meters tall, roughly the height of a 25-story residential building. It is powered by five diesel generators and driven by two electric thrusters. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item