Draft aims to protect medics

Beijing: Lawmakers in Beijing are mulling over better protection of medical staff after several attacks on doctors by patients or their relatives received widespread public condemnation.
The Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People’s Congress on Thursday started to review a draft regulation on public security management at the city’s hospitals.
People should not verbally abuse, threaten, attack or stalk medical workers; disturb the normal order at hospitals; occupy or damage hospital property; or make a scene at hospitals, according to the draft regulation.
Violators will receive severe punishment if they commit or incite others to commit illegal acts against hospitals or medical workers, and information about such violators will be shared at the local and national credit information sharing platforms, it said.
Hospitals should have an adequate number of security guards and sufficient equipment, and they should conduct 24-hour security inspections. They should also install emergency call equipment in medical offices, emergency rooms and wards, the draft said. People entering hospitals should undergo security checks, and security guards should report to the police if they find anyone bringing restricted or hazardous items into hospitals, it said.
Public security authorities should establish police posts at secondary and tertiary hospitals to work with security departments, and local police should establish cooperation mechanisms with the security departments at primary hospitals that do not have police posts, according to the draft.
Hospitals should notify the police if people who have a record of attacking or threatening to attack medical workers enter the hospital, and hospital guards should accompany these people while they receive treatment, it said.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item