Draft aims to provide better temporary relief

BEIJING: The Ministry of Civil Affairs released a draft to solicit public feedback on Monday about strengthening temporary relief for people living with difficulties due to COVID-19 or natural disasters.
The draft said local governments should improve their policies for approving those who apply for a basic living allowance.
No one may arbitrarily determine that someone does not meet the requirements for the allowance merely based on their occupation or industry. And no one should deny someone access to the quota just because the applicant owns a car or property.
People, including migrant workers who have had no income for three months because of the epidemic and are not covered by unemployment insurance, can apply for a one-time temporary payout, it said.
It said that in addition to the group, people with large household expenditures but unstable employment due to disease, and those who are more likely to fall into poverty can also apply for relief.
The draft gives more priority to vulnerable groups such as the severely disabled. Severely disabled people who are dependent on siblings or parents above the age of 60, and seriously ill people are included in the basic living allowance.
In August, the State Council held a meeting about expanding subsistence allowances and seeking out households and individuals that need help.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exhange item