Dur-e-Fishan talks about her family

By Najia Waheed

Dur-e-Fishan is a new emerging talent in Pakistani industry. Dur-e-Fishan talking about her family and personal life mentioned that “We are four siblings, two sisters and two brothers and I’m the eldest one. Currently my parents live in Lahore. My mother used to work before but it’s been almost eight years she has left her work. I’m very close to my parents, especially my mother.”
“My mother always tells me to come back. Whenever I get a project she asks me whether it’s in Lahore or Karachi”, added Dur-e-Fishan. Further she said that” I’m a lawyer by profession. It’s an international degree from UCL. I have done my A Levels from LGS Lahore. I graduated last year and I have done many internships, but I always wanted to be an actor.”