Durrani floats ‘National Unity Govt’ formula

News Desk

ISLAMABAD: Former information minister and senior politician, Muhammad Ali Durrani on Tuesday presented a formula for elected “National Unity Govt” to steer the country of the crises۔
Senior politician, Muhammad Ali Durrani said his next formula for reconciliation in the country, is to elect a “National Unity Government” in Pakistan, which would have the participation of all parties.
Durrani said the best national government is what the people choose, the first point of it will be that it will have representation of all political parties. Whichever party wins the majority of seats in elections will give three names for the PM slot from which one will be selected for the post.
The former minister added that the number of ministers in the “National Unity Government” should be under 30 and the LG elections should also be held within 6 months of the government.
He said Pakistan’s democracy is currently revolving around a few electables, we have to change the system for better working and the sake of Pakistan.
He said that before the elections, political parties should sign a written agreement, and confess in the agreement that they will all form a government a national government, minus PTI on reconciliation has not yet been constitutional and legal evidence. he added.