Economic growth rate

Prime Minister Imran Khan said the country’s projected growth rate at more than 4 per cent would spur economic activities in the country, providing job opportunities and reducing price hike. Prime Minister was interacting with the public on telephone in a live TV Programme titled “Aapka Wazir-e-Azam Aap kai Sath”. During the live programme, Prime Minister Imran Khan said the economic growth rate had baffled his political opponents who wanted the government to fail in meeting these economic challenges left behind by the successive governments. The Prime Minister said his government had inherited historic problems, with current account deficit and burden of loans. He said how they had steered the boat out of these difficulties was a crucial phase. The Prime Minister said there are two problems, price hike and unemployment, but when the wheel of economy moves on and growth rate increases, people would get employment, reducing their poverty. The Prime Minister said the FBR has collected record over Rs. 4000 billion revenue in current year. The Prime Minister said the government would construct ten dams to overcome the looming threat of water scarcity and global warming. While busting on the opposition, Prime Minister said that the opposition parties knew these issues, and they wanted to get NRO and tried to create hurdles and blackmail the government. During recent two weeks, several government’s Ministers and advisors are continuously beating drum of rising growth rate of the country, however the public is susceptible about these tall claims, based on government previous record. Earlier, during the past government claimed to have excess wheat, sugar, and other commodities and exported the items out of the country. Later, Country itself faced acute shortage of those commodities and caused huge embarrassment for the government. Two months back, PTI government informed the nation that the country is producing more electricity than its needs and government was worrying where to utilize excess energy. However, several big cities are facing load shedding problem during recent days and people are wondering that what is the reality. Whether government is wrong in its claim or they are experiencing a dream like situation. As far as the Opposition is concern it is the duty of opposition to pull the government’s legs because public are in the view that if there was no opposition in the country they might had been sent to the hell by the incumbent government through its anti-poor policies.
However, Public also support PTI’s accountability narrative and think that disunity between government and the opposition is in its best interest otherwise whenever they sat together, they had always mended their own shoes. Due to these reasons, the people of the country are in doubts about government’s recent claim of sudden spike in growth rate. The public fears that it may be a statistical magic of government’s financial and economic experts to appease the Prime Minister or to push the government into a new dilemma.

In fact, there is huge consensus that most of the government’s administrative scandals occurred after the PTI government brought some relaxation for civil bureaucracy in NAB ordinance during the past. Earlier, the ghost of corruption was in chain due to fear of the NAB, however as the government released the neck of this white bull, it gets out of control in the hands of novice PTI’s politicians. Therefore, Prime Minister Imran Khan must hold the senior bureaucrats accountable for any mismanagement in their respective departments to stall the new scams in coming days.