Ecuadorean NA dissolved by President

NEW YORK: Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso has dissolved the opposition-controlled National Assembly in a decree, bringing forward legislative and presidential elections, a day after he presented his defence in an impeachment process against him.
Following the move on Wednesday, the right-wing president can govern for up to six months by decree until new elections are held under the South American country’s constitution. Elections were previously set for May 2025. The National Electoral Council now has seven days to call presidential and legislative elections, which must be held within 90 days. Those elected will finish the terms of Lasso and the lawmakers he removed.
Lasso denies accusations he turned a blind eye to alleged embezzlement related to a contract at state-owned oil transportation company Flota Petrolera Ecuatoriana (FLOPEC).
A majority of lawmakers had backed a resolution saying Lasso allowed the corrupt contract to continue, even though a congressional oversight committee, which heard testimony from opposition lawmakers, officials and Lasso’s lawyer, said in its report it did not recommend impeachment.
Impeachment proceedings had begun Tuesday, prompting Lasso to invoke the constitutional clause known as “two-way death” with the dissolution of the legislature and ending his presidency early. –Agencies