Educational institutes lead tree plantation drive at Margalla Hills

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Capital Development Authority (CDA) on Friday engaged educational institutions in tree plantation drive at Margalla Hills National Park.
The drive aims to promote afforestation and beautify the city.
Quaid-e-Azam University students and alumni joined Chairman CDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa in planting saplings, earmarked for afforestation as Quaideen Enclave.
The CDA is working closely with the Ministry of Climate Change and involving educational institutions, the corporate sector, and civil society to make the campaign a success.
Chairman Randhawa emphasized the importance of collective efforts to make the city beautiful and announced the launch of a mobile app, “Track a Tree,” to monitor the planted trees.
He also proposed awarding honorary marks to students who excel in the plantation campaign.
The CDA has strictly prohibited tree cutting in Islamabad, and FIRs will be lodged against those who violate this rule. Educational institutions are encouraged to lead the plantation drive, with full support from the CDA.
This initiative is part of the federal government’s efforts to protect wild flora and fauna in Margalla Hills, with the support of the Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, and Ministry of Climate Change.