Educators emphasize int’l exchanges

BEIJING: Despite COVID-19 disrupting the movement of some young people around the globe, international exchanges among them should still be strengthened and improved upon by using evermore innovative methods, educators said at a symposium.
The event was the online 2022 Sino-Foreign High School Principals’ Symposium hosted by 21st Century English Education Media, an English language learning publication of China Daily.
More than 5,000 participants, including researchers, teachers and school administrators, attended the livestreamed symposium, during which they shared their insights on international education exchanges and collaboration.
“One of the goals of today’s education is to train young people with an international vision-a global competence,” said Ma Yuguo, principal of The Affiliated High School of Peking University.
Education is not about competitiveness or winning everything, but an ability to understand other cultures, to resonate with people from different situations and backgrounds, and to think in others’ shoes, he added.
He also noted that international exchanges should be implemented in respectful and equal terms.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item