Efforts must for inter-religious harmony: Chairman PUC

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Endeavours will be made at every forum and level for interreligious dialogue and interfaith harmony in the country. Constitution of Pakistan have categorically defined rights for Muslims and minorities living in Pakistan. Any group, organization and individual can’t be allowed to impose their thinking on others, said Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, Chairman Pakistan Ulema Council, Special Representative to Prime Minister on Religious Harmony.
Talking to visiting delegates of different religious schools of thought here on Monday, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, Special Representative to Prime Minister on Religious Harmony said that consultation is being made with political and religious leadership of the country including Council of Islamic Ideology to restraint Child Marriage issues.
Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi also announced that Interreligious Harmony Councils are being established all over the country from December 01, 2020 to ensure interfaith harmony and interreligious dialogue in the country with objectives to promote Religious Harmony and leniency among faithfuls of different religions and religious sects.
Teachings of Quran-o-Sunnah and Islam use to command to ensure respect and honour for all the Heavenly Religions. He said that elements responsible for fanning Blasphemy instances wants to make interreligious clashes, said Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi.
He added that freedom of expression does not mean to target and undermine religious sentiments of the faithfuls of other religions.
Misuse of blasphemy laws has been contained to a large extent in the country, said Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi adding that Constitution of Pakistan categorically defines rights for each and every Pakistani irrespective of their religious faiths. He said that any Organization, individual and group can’t be allowed to impose their thinking and beliefs on others.
Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi also stated that Islam does not allow to force anyone to accept Islam. He said consultation is being made at a larger extent to ensure restraints against Child Marriages. Responding to a question, Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said that Prime Minister Imran khan has been making coordination with all the Islamic world following the situation of publication of blasphemous caricatures in France. Pakistan playing it’s effective role in this situation. On call of the government, Rehmatul Al-Alameen week is being observed all over the country.
To address issues faced by Non-Muslim communities living in Pakistan, a mechanism is being devised on permanent footings to address these issues, said Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi. Responding to another question, Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said that it is responsibility of the state to take action against killing of any person in the country. The federal government has sought report from KPK provincial government against killing of Qadiyanis in Peshawar and effective action has been directed in this regard,said Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi.
On this occasion, leading Ulemas and religious schools including Maulana Ziaullah Shah Bukhari, Maulana Muhammad Khan Leghari, Maulana Muhammad Shafi Qasmi, Allama Tahirul Hasssan, Maulana Hafiz Kazim Raza, Maulana Ubaidullah Gormani, Maulana Aseed ur Rehman Saeed, Maulana Abubakar Sabri, Maulana Hafizur Rehman and others were also present.