‘Egypt keen to forge touristic co-op with Pak’

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: Egypt on Wednesday evinced keen interest to forge cooperation with Pakistan in tourism as its Envoy Tarek Dahrough called for increasing people-to-people contacts between the two brotherly countries to promote this vital area of economy. In a meeting with Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari, both the sides explored avenues to further enhance bilateral cooperation in tourism sector, particularly through promotion of people-to-people ties.
The SAPM, who also heads National Tourism Coordination Board, apprised the Ambassador of steps being taken by the government of Pakistan to boost tourism. He also informed the Envoy about his government’s plan of launching a tourism friendly project —Brand Pakistan soon.
Bukhari reaffirmed his government’s commitment to attract tourists from across the world by facilitating them in all possible ways. Ambassador Dahrough expressed the hope that both the countries would further strengthen cooperation in tourism sector. Egypt would cooperate with Pakistan in ‘Brand Pakistan project’ and provide all possible assistance, he added. Brand Pakistan is an ambitious project of the government which is aimed at introducing tourism as a customized brand worldwide.