Election result buried ‘May 9 narrative’, asserts Imran

—— Adds people did not believe we committed treason
—— Endorses Army’s top brass’ statement on May 9 probe
—— Says PTI not anti-military
—— Seeks judicial probe into 9/5 incident
—— Avers suspects involved in May 9 incidents should be punished severely

ISLAMABAD: Imran Khan, the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), on Wednesday demanded punishment for those responsible for the May 9 riots, endorsing the statement of the Corps Commanders’ Confer-ence released by ISPR a day earlier.
On Tuesday, the top military commanders reiterated their commitment that planners, instigators, abettors, perpetrators and desecrators of martyrs’ monuments and attackers of military installations on May 9, 2023, would certainly be brought to justice under the relevant provisions of the law and Constitution. The Corps Commanders’ Conference noted with concern the spread of organised misinformation and fake news by certain nefarious elements to sow despondency and divisions within the society.
The meeting, held at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi with Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Syed Asim Munir in the chair, urged the proud people of Pakistan to remain positive and united and wholeheartedly participate in the progress and development of the country.
“Malicious efforts to create distortions, confusion and disinformation are absolutely futile and only part of an organised campaign being launched for narrow political interests, to blur the abhorrent ac-tivities that took place,” the ISPR said in a statement. Speaking to the media at Adiala Jail today, Imran Khan said, “Identification of individuals involved on May 9 should be made through CCTV footage, just as individuals involved in the Capitol Hill attack in the United States were apprehended with the help of CCTV footage.”
Khan questioned why a judicial commission had not been formed yet regarding the May 9 incident. “There is no interest in conducting a transparent inquiry into the May 9 incident. I insist that those in-volved in it be punished.”
He said denying PTI reserve seats amounted to a negation of democracy. “How can those who were not entitled to have [PTI’s] reserve seats be given them?” Khan also termed the denial of reserve seats to PTI as unconstitutional. “The people of East Pakistan too were deprived of their mandate which led to the country’s disintegration. These were the most rigged elections in the country’s history,” he added.
The PTI founder said that the rigged elections would harm the country’s economy and cause further losses. “Without political stability, the country cannot function, whereas the Sharif family’s politics re-lies on SIFC,” he added.
Regarding allegations of election rigging, Khan said that the responsibility lies with the caretaker gov-ernment and the Election Commission of Pakistan. “Even the winners of the elections know that rig-ging took place. If they think the elections were fair, they should only audit four constituencies.”
“Is peaceful protest a clash? If this is a clash, then there is no need for democracy,” Khan remarked. “Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Khawaja Asif have said that General Bajwa had promised to overthrow the government.”
“Bajwa also told us to become a good boy and sit quietly. I cannot sit silently like a slave,” he said.
Imran said that votes were given to someone else but others were declared winners. “PML-N did not have more than 25 seats, but their government has been formed,” he added.
Khan refuted claims of accepting slavery, stating, “The nation accepting slavery always ends. There is no army opposition in our party. Criticism of elections is not criticism of the army.”
He said that the narrative built after the May 9 events had failed after February 8 — the day of the general elections. “People did not believe that we committed treason. Keep me in prison for as long as you want but I will not accept slavery. After regime change, the economy has been drowned,” he added.
The PTI founder reiterated that a stable government was needed for a stable Pakistan. “I said in the IMF meeting that without political stability, the economy cannot improve, and transparent elections are the only way to achieve this.” –Agencies