‘Emerging Socio-Politico Culture in Post-FATA Merger and Balochistan

By Ms. Maryam Raza

The merger of FATA is the most vital step being taken by the government of Pakistan for aligning the region with rest of the country. On 31st May 2018, FATA region was merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) by the repealing 1901 regulation. It has provided the opportunity to the people of FATA to integrated in the mainstream line for nation’s development as whole. Moreover, the reforms have provided constitutional protection to the people of FATA by expanding the formal justice system. In this aspect, there were certain initiatives taken by the government at broader level with the help of the local federation.
For example, introducing modern policy framework, establishing integrated body of the local government, and facilitating outrightly the activities for economic and social development. In this regard, the study gives the brief analysis of political dimensions of the KPK and Balochistan.
Furthermore, the study aims to highlight the challenges in the existing civil administration and also give policy recommendations for internal institutional stability vis-à-vis security dimensions.
The Political Dimension in KPK-FATA
In post-FATA merger, the five major domains for the transformative shift were identified. For example:
a. The cultural alignment: Jirga system versus Judicial system
b. Educational patterns: Madrassa to national educational standards
c. Robust healthcare standards: urban practices to rural practices
d. Major economic shift: free market to regular market
e. Changing dynamics of the national security paradigm: involving Afghanistan’s security as well.
The merger of FATA with KP has integrated the tribal areas under the control of the provincial government of the neighboring KP province. The merger and reforms were revolutionary steps that legally, politically, and economically integrated FATA into national mainstream. The administration of FATA majorly depends on the KP government. There are thousands of employees of the KP government which are working in departments of FATA. Similarly, the FATA Secretariat, which is considered to be the headquarters of their affairs, has around hundreds of employees who also belong to the provincial service cadre. Moreover, the people in various agencies also rely on the KP government’s machinery for performing multiple administrative-led tasks.
The Political Dimension in Balochistan
Recently, the government of Balochistan and the cabinet has approved to establish a new administrative sub-division in the province that formed a sub-committee of the cabinet. The decision was taken under the consideration of the increasing population. In this aspect, the administration in Balochistan is active in finding the solutions for the challenges and work for the prosperity of their people and economic development. The provincial government is also focusing on the integration of the inclusive energy development policies in the province by implementing different programs and projects for better availability of the energy resources that attract the foreigner investors as well. The approval was also granted to make eight teaching hospitals of the province functional.
Post-FATA Merger: Risk Analysis
After the merger, there are still many challenges that needs to be tackled by proper policy orientation and attention. The people of the province are showing serious reservations over the halted pace of economic growth and performance of the government in the region. Though some efforts have been put in, however the short comings in the social sector are detrimental to national security. One of the main factors is the security vulnerability that has been associated with Afghanistan crisis.
Improving Civil Administration in FATA and Balochistan
There are certain perils for the civil administration in the provinces which need full attention. Due to serious ongoing feuds and existing grievances among multiple departments of the federal and provincial administration structure, the native population is suffering. The Provincial Civil Service and the Pakistan Administration, form a structure that act like a backbone of the provincial administration.
Unfortunately, due to the constant tussle between the domestic powers to secure the power-wielding lucrative slots, the competitiveness has been reduced and also impacted adversely the provincial civil administration system. Furthermore, due to the high militant activities and presence of non-state actors, there is chaos and instability in the province that have impacted performance of the civil administration so far.
For improving the Civil administration in the regions following are the recommendations given below:
• The socio-political and economic development of the regions (KPK/FATA/Balochistan) can only be facilitated, if there is strong policy orientation discourse being introduced by the provincial government with the help of the federal government. It would indeed require a robust mechanism for the implementation of the civil reforms.
• A holistic and multipronged approach is required to counter the security and political challenges in FATA and Balochistan.
• Serious efforts are required for the confidence building measures (CBMs) to restore the trust of the people of the provinces.
• Unfortunately, there is chaos and instability in the tribal areas mainly due to their reluctant Politian’s and the militia. So, this issue should be solved by an effective autonomous legislative body.
• Furthermore, strong institutional arrangements in the education sector are important for the betterment of the area.
• The gaps in the financial system are based on unfair budgeting process and no transparency mechanism. In this aspect, integrated committees and task forces should be formed match the standard of good governance and efficient civil management.
The people of FATA and Balochistan deserve security, peace and prosperity. In this aspect, improving the civil administration, integrating the tribal areas into mainstream lines and expanding the benefits of economic development, would be the best means of achieving common prosperous goals. It will enhance cooperation of provincial administration in numerous fields. A robust program for an economic uplift is crucial in today’s time.
It will help to repair the damage coming out of the traditional issues and build resilience in combating the non-traditional security threats as well. In this regard, each institution has to follow a soft, integrated yet vigilant approach to resolve the challenges and build trust between the federal government and the provincial administration of FATA and Balochistan.
–The author is Research Associate with CGSS