Envoy cautions over ‘anything but China’ mindset

WASHINGTON: Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai on Tuesday cautioned against politicising the COVID-19 outbreak and the “anything-but-China” mindset.
“I would call it the ABC mindset, anything but China. I’m really worried about that,” Cui said during a conversation hosted by the Bloomberg New Economy Forum.
As COVID-19 began to emerge outside China, including European countries, China extended a helping hand, but the country’s kindness was described as geopolitically-motivated, Cui said.
When China adopted new measures for quality control to make sure donated equipment met international standards, some again accused China of blocking exports of medical supplies, Cui continued, adding that behind the narrative trap is what he calls the ABC mindset.
Now is the time to save lives amid the global spread of COVID-19; however, “some politicians are so preoccupied in their efforts for stigmatisation, for groundless accusations,” Cui said, observing that “so little attention is paid to the views of the scientists.”
Noting that the virus has had such a big impact on China, the United States and the rest of the world, Cui said the two countries should think really hard about the real threats to the global community, as well as their true common interests. – Agencies