Envoy inaugurates Pakistan Pavilion at Sichuan Agri Expo

BEIJING: Pakistan’s Ambassador in China, Moin ul Haque inaugurated Pakistan National Pavilion at the Sichuan Agriculture Expo in Chengdu. He was joined by Vice governor of Sichuan Province Mr. Hu Yun, Secretary Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Dr. Farheed Iqbal and Pakistan’s Acting Consul General in Chengdu Mr. Agha Hunain Abbas Khan.

The Pavilion introduces the famous touristic sites in Pakistan and displays a number of the agriculture goods produced by the country. More than a dozen Pakistani companies displayed their agricultural products at the Pavilion. The Pavilion attracted great interest from the participants attending the Expo.

Ambassador Moin ul Haque inaugurates Pakistan National Pavilion at the Sichuan Agriculture Expo in Chengdu, China.

Earlier on the same day, the Ambassador participated in the Opening Ceremony of the 9th Sichuan Agriculture Expo, where Pakistan is the Country of Honour. In his address during the opening ceremony, the Ambassador highlighted the strong bilateral relations between Pakistan and China, that are based on political trust, strategic communication, and practical cooperation. He also highlighted the close cooperation between Pakistan and Sichuan, including through sister province and city collaborations.

Pakistan’s participation in the Expo will inject impetus to the on-going cooperation between Pakistan and China in the agriculture sector. Recently five important agriculture SPS protocols have been finalised between the two sides, giving Pakistan access to a market of USD 30 billion in cooked beef, dairy, chillies, cherries and other livestock products. This endeavour will contribute to Pakistan’s efforts to increase its exports to China.

Sichuan Agriculture Expo is the largest agriculture expo in western China and caters to over 400 million people. More than 2000 exhibitors are attending the Expo and more than 200,000 people are expected to visit it.  –PR