Epidemic fight boosts national pride among young Chinese

BEIJING: Chinese youths are giving higher scores to their national pride as the country gathered in solidarity amid the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, according to a recent survey by the China Youth Daily.
The average score of national pride among young Chinese aged 18 to 35 is 9.57 out of 10, up from 9.18 in a similar survey in 2019, said the report of the survey.
According to the report, 97.9 percent of the respondents said they are “proud of being Chinese.”
Nearly 71 percent of the young respondents said they acquired a strong feeling for the idea that people and life matter most during the nationwide fight against the epidemic.
The average score of happiness in life also increased from 8.2 out of 10 in 2019 to this year’s 9.03.
The survey, conducted from April 24 to 28, had a sample size of 8,212 people from 31 provincial-level regions.
According to the report, 70.2 percent of the Chinese youths noticed that the young generation has come forward and actively shouldered their responsibility amid the epidemic fight.
Up to 94.5 percent of Chinese youths said they will shoulder responsibilities and stand up for the country if needed.
Chinese youths from all walks of life have risen to challenges and played an important role in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, the newspaper said. Gong Yun, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that young people’s strong sense of national identity is partly a result of the development and achievements the country has made over the years. – Agencies