Erdogan hails Putin’s approach in Nagorono-Karabakh peace deal

DM Monitoring

BAKU: Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of the republic of Azerbaijan on Friday discussed progress made in Nagorono-Karabakh peace deal and Azeri resettlement in the captured territories.
“I cannot fail to mention Mr. Putin’s approach. His approach helped us lead this process in a positive direction, and it got to this level,” Turkish President Erdogan said.
Of course, my Brother and I discussed in detail why the settlement of the Karabakh conflict dragged on until now, President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a joint statement for the press with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
“Why did this suffering in Karabakh last for 30 years? What were the three countries called the Minsk Group doing? These are the strongest countries in the world – the US, Russia and France. Why did the conflict drag on and there was no result? Couldn’t they have resolved this issue? They could have! Then why did they delay it? Numerous positive messages started coming in afterwards. They were led by France. They constantly called my Brother, trying to get a result from him. Of course, sometimes they tried to establish a contact with us too, but we, frankly, did not respond, because we knew about their actual intentions,” Erdogan said.
“Our brothers said that they would resolve this issue themselves, took this step and things moved off the ground. After things got going, we held discussions with Mr. Putin. In the same manner, the diplomatic side of this matter was handled by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlut Bey. In particular, intelligence and defense activities were carried out in this matter. After all this activity, the situation began to develop in a completely different direction,” Turkish president said.
Day before, Ilham Aliyev and Erdogan had visited the Alley of Martyrs.
President Ilham Aliyev and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan laid wreaths at the Eternal Flame monument erected in memory of Azerbaijani heroes who gave their lives for the country’s independence and territorial integrity The Azerbaijani and Turkish presidents then laid wreaths at a monument to Turkish soldiers in the Alley of Martyrs.