Ethiopia’s expulsion of UN officials shocks Guterres

Foreign Desk Report

NEW YORK: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed “shock” after the Ethiopian government announced Thursday the expulsion of seven senior UN humanitarian officials working in the strife-torn country.
“In Ethiopia, the UN is delivering lifesaving aid, including food, medicine, water, and sanitation supplies, to people in desperate need,” the UN chief said in a statement. “I have full confidence in the UN staff who are in Ethiopia doing this work.”
Earlier, the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a tweet that five members of the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, including senior leaders, were being ordered out of the country, as well as the UN Children’s Fund UNICEF Representative, and a team leader from the UN human rights office, OHCHR.
The seven officials have been given 72 hours to leave Ethiopia.
In his statement, the secretary-general said the UN is engaging with the Ethiopian authorities “in the expectation that the concerned UN staff will be allowed to continue their important work.” The seven officials have been given 72 hours to leave Ethiopia.