Excessive expenses termed disastrous

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: President Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW), Dr. Murtaza Mughal on Sunday said that spending beyond resource surely takes to economic disaster and slavery. He said that international institutions take control of the countries that cannot control their expenses.
In a statement issued here, he said Pakistan was trying its best to secure loans from any country to avoid a default, but the critical economic decisions were still being taken in the interest of capitalists in total disregard of national interests.
Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that the economic policies were being designed in a way that was making the rich richer, but the masses and country were becoming poor.
The treasury was empty but billions of rupees continue to be showered on the elite, he added.
The President PEW said that if the government has to earn 55% of its revenue from imports at the port and the remaining capital was to be collected by squeezing the poor, then what was the need for FBR and its 30,000 employees?
He said that influential brokers have hijacked the country’s system, a former PM called Mir Jaffer of Pakistan by some economists has given a benefit of five billion dollars to the stock mafia.
When the condition of the treasury deteriorated due to such decisions, he borrowed the same amount from the IMF but the move was ignored by those who matter.
Dr. Mughal said that such traitors played a pivotal role in pushing the country into IMF slavery and after completing their plan, fled abroad forever.
No one would have dared to conspire against Pakistan if such criminals were brought back and punished, he said.