Exhaust heat a factor in fatal chemical plant blast

BEIJING: The use of a non-explosion-proof communication system and high temperatures generated by exhaust pipes have been identified as the causes of a chemical plant blast in Panjin, Liaoning province, in January that killed 13 people and injured 35 others.
The conclusion was made based on comprehensive analysis conducted by an expert group, according to a media release from Liaoning provincial government on Friday.
Direct economic loss from the accident has reached almost 88 million yuan ($12 million), it said.
The blast occurred on Jan 15 at Panjin Haoye Chemical plant when workers were repairing an alkylation facility where a leakage had occurred.
The workers were doing the repair work with the help of two hoists and using interphones to communicate, the release said.
The energy generated during radio communication and the high-temperature from the hoists’ exhaust pipes are believed to have ignited leaking chemicals at the facility, it said.
The leakage was first noticed on Jan 11. The company tried to repair the facility three times before the Jan 15 incident.
The release said 16 people were responsible for the deadly accident. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item