Experts hail China, Russia relations

MOSCOW: Russia-China relations serve as an example of partnership for other countries and is of great significance to global stability, Russian experts have said.
Noting that 2020 is an extraordinary year for the world, they said in recent interviews with media that the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era between the two countries is a good example of partnership for others, and has made great contributions to maintaining global strategic stability.
Chinese President Xi Jinping held a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, during which the two heads of state exchanged new year greetings and wished the people in both countries a happy new year. Russia-China relations promote stability as well as socio-economic development in both countries, Andrey Karneev, professor and head of the School of Asian Studies of Russia’s Higher School of Economics said.
He noted that Russia and China take very similar stances over many issues on the international agenda, adding that “the two countries don’t advocate striving for selfish interests, but seek to promote the overall progress of the global community.” “This is what underlies the significance of both our relations,” Karneev said.
“This year, we saw how the situation evolved in a difficult way. The role of Russia-China relations in stabilizing the entire system of international relations has clearly been demonstrated,” Professor Yana Leksyutina of St. Petersburg State University said. The New Development Bank, in which Russia and China are founding countries, has decided to allocate huge amounts of money to help countries to overcome the virus and socio-economic problems caused by the pandemic, she said. – Agencies