Exploration of ruby deposits can bring massive economic benefits

ISLAMABAD: Exquisite deposits of ruby in Pakistan are waiting to be exploited. Ruby found in Pakistan rivals the best-mined ones around the globe, and can bring about a massive fortune if proper attention is paid to it.
Assistant Director at Geological Survey of Pakistan Yasir Shaheen Khalil in a discussion with WealthPK shared his views on the quality of corundum. He said spinel and corundum are two different mineral classes with different composition and crystal structures. Corundum consists of Aluminium Oxide (AI2O3) and the composition of spinel consists of Magnesium Aluminium Oxide (MgAI2O3). The crystal structure of corundum is trigonal, while that of spinel is cubic.
“On Mohs scale, corundum’s hardness is 9 and can be scratched only by diamond, not by steel, glass or quartz, etc. There are several gem varieties of the mineral corundum of which ruby and sapphire are well known and most precious. Ruby is the red variety, while sapphire can have a range of different colours and shades, of which blue is considered the most precious,” he said.
On the other hand, the mineral spinel has a hardness ranging from 7.5 to 8 on Mohs scale.
“It does not keep much purity like corundum and based on small impurities in its crystal structure, it can be of a variety of colours like red, pink, blue, black, or even colourless. Commercially, most of the traders sell gemmy red-coloured spinel or other deep red stones with good hardness as ruby or spinel ruby,” Yasir said.
Gemmologist and miner Zakir Ullah alias Jhulay Lal told WealthPK that in Pakistan, the mines/pockets of ruby are found in different places i.e., Swat, Basal, Babusar Top in Kaghan Valley, Hunza, Bata Kundi, Aliabad, Nagar. Ruby pockets are also found in the Karakoram Mountain range in Pakistan.
“In Balochistan province, chances exist that good quality ruby can be mined but still work is at too low scale,” he said.
Ruby found in Hunza is mostly in pink shades from light to deep tone. Ruby mined from Batta Kundi is found in blood red colour (belonging to the spinel class).
“Unfortunately, mining is not at a large scale in these areas due to unavailability of modern equipment. Mostly the ruby found in these areas is in small sizes i.e., from ½ grams to 3 grams. But little deep mining can prove fruitful in obtaining ruby in good size, colour, and quality. People in the said areas are not aware of the true value of modern picking and careful exploitation of ruby,” he said.
Gemmologist and miner Imran Babar told WealthPK that ruby is called Yaqoot in Urdu and Laal in Sanskrit.
“The trace element chromium in corundum causes the red colour and makes it ruby. While the traces of titanium and iron turn it blue and it is called blue sapphire. The presence of other elements gives corundum many shades. Sapphires are found in all colours of the spectrum,” he said.
Ruby found in Pakistan is available from red to blood red and pigeon red shades. But still, there is a need to work more to fully exploit the benefits of this sector.
From ancient times to date, ruby is considered the stone of royalty, prosperity, and pride. It was also considered as the stone of protection, success, good dreams, dispeller of anger, dispute resolvent, controller of evil thoughts and spirits, etc. The deepest it is in colour, the best protection it will provide. The ancient Burmese prized it as the stone of soldiers, bravery, and protection. It was also a part of ancient folklore that ruby can make the water boil if kept in it and can show its shine even if it is placed under the wrapping. It was believed that ruby emits its own light and shines like a torch. People in the Middle Ages considered rubies as living gems. They took dark coloured rubies as male and lighter in colour as female gems.
Industrially, ruby is extensively used in laser technology, to prepare mechanical wrist watches, masers, manufacturing of compasses, electric meters, etc.
Natural ruby is of good quality (not treated/synthetic) mostly worth no less than about $1,000 or more. Fortunately, Pakistan’s earthen crypts are adorned with this precious gemstone. Foreign investors must be invited to assist/partner with Pakistan to exploit this treasure for a prosperous economy. The gems and jewellery sector in Pakistan must consider it on a priority basis.