Faisal for more awareness on population growth

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on National Health Services Dr Faisal Sultan on Wednesday urged citizens to take a pledge for making themselves and society aware of the problems arising from the increasing population.
Addressing a seminar on Population, Dr Faisal Sultan said that it is high time to raise the awareness level of citizens to consider the burden on the country’s resources due to heavy population growth.
He said that besides the government it is the responsibility of the society to pass on useful information on family planning so that parents can play their role in the sustainable development of the country while making decisions for adopting a gap in family expansion.
He said that desire of having children is the right of every parent but this is also important to consider the resources while planning to expand the family. It is necessary for parents to think over how to manage within available resources to provide basic needs of life including education, food, and shelter to their children for their better grooming and growing, he added. Faisal said in order to make a balanced approach and to make their children useful citizens of this country while ensuring the provision of better necessities of life to their children, parents must realize how much resources they have to require for them.