Fake visa travelers offloaded from EU flight

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) immigration on Sunday offloaded a couple traveling abroad on fake documents from Karachi’s Jinnah international airport.
The FIA spokesperson claimed that two passengers, Talat Iqbal and his wife, attempted to travel to Europe on flight number TK-709 on fake UK employment visas.
According to preliminary investigation, the accused couple obtained the said visas from the agent in Lahore for a total of £2400.
The FIA spokesperson revealed that the agent received the said amount in various bank accounts to evade the unnecessary attention of the authorities.
As further investigation is underway, the accused were later transferred to Anti-Human Trafficking Circle Karachi for further legal action.
Earlier this week, FIA immigration arrested two passengers, attempting to travel abroad on fake documents, from Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore.
The spokesperson of FIA immigration confirmed the arrest of two passengers, identified as Ishban Murad and Ameer Hamza, along with two agents, Anwar, and Yousuf Baig, allegedly involved in providing fake employment visas for Mauritius and fake residence permits to the apprehended passengers.
The spokesperson added that the accused Ashban Murad was arrested at the immigration counter while boarding flight TK715 bound for abroad.
Still, his Mauritius passport was discovered to be counterfeit, bearing a fake stamp.