Fakhar seeks boost in promoting Agri sector

By Anzal Amin

ISLAMABAD: Minister for National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhar Imam stressed the need to adopt modern techniques in the agriculture sector so that the country could be made self-sufficient in staple food production.
“We should make investment in the agriculture sector to compete the world,” he said while taking part in the budget debate 2021-22 in the National Assembly.
He said the present government was going to upgrade its research centers in collaboration with Chinese government to get benefit of its expertise and services in the agriculture sector.
Fakhar Imam said Prime Minister Imran Khan was going to introduce the facility of Kissan Card that would help farmers get direct funding, bringing the middleman role to an end.
For the first time in the country’s history, he said the agriculture sector was being given due priority at the prime minister level as Imran Khan said time and again that living standard of the farmers was needed to be improved.
In the past, the minister said only Rs 1 billion or 2 billions were allocated for the Ministry of Food Security and Research which were extremely insufficient.