Fall of Kabul & Ghani’s desertion

The self-proclaimed Scholar and America’s imposed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani finally agreed to step down and opted to flee the Country like all other unpopular and aristocratic rulers after enjoying the luxurious life and Presidential honor for about six years. According to reports, Ghani was missing from Presidential Palace and his followers were upset from his disappearance, however the Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation and Ghani’s former Political rival, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah informed his countrymen through a video message that Ashraf Ghani had resigned from the presidency and left the country. Dr. Abdullah also called on Afghans to remain calm and Afghan Security Forces to ensure security. During these pages we have forecasted about Ghani’s destiny which he faced now due to his self-centered and foreign back agenda during the whole tenure particularly after initiation of Afghan Peace and Reconciliation Process by the Trump administration during 2018. According to Russian President’s Special Representative for Afghanistan and Director of the Second Asia Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Zamir Kabulov, former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani along with his National Security Advisor Hamidullah Mohib and Chief of Staff Razl Mahmoud Fazali had escaped from the country on one of the planes with which the United States evacuates its diplomatic personnel and military from the country to Tajikistan however, his final destination is still unclear. Earlier, the Taliban movement announced that it would not accept power from President Ashraf Ghani. Ghani also foresaw future looming Taliban invasion of the capitol and poor performance of Afghan Security Forces against their rival group, therefore, like all other puppet rulers Ghani handed over the Power to a council comprising of several Afghan leaders including the head of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah and ex-President Hamid Karzai. As said, the council is working to hand over the power to the Taliban representatives peacefully. According to available information, Taliban Commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is likely to head the administration of the President of Afghanistan. The political and strategic landscape of Afghanistan has changed dramatically over the recent days. The Hawkish statements and narrative of Ghani government and his immature National Security Advisor Hamidullah Mohib and Vice President Amrullah Saleh led the Ghani to this day that now Afghan leaders are preparing the stage for Taliban.
The world community must realize the sufferings of Afghan people over the last four decades and should work to end their miseries and griefs through bringing peace and stability in Country.