Farooq says Kashmiris determined to attach their destiny with Pakistan

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Farooq Haider. – File Photo

MIRPUR (AJK): Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Farooq Haider said that July 19 Was the most significant day in the history of Jammu & Kashmir since they had decided to attach their destiny with Pakistan, through historic unanimous resolution passed this day 72 years ago in 1947.

The AJK PM said in a message on the occasion of “Youm e Ilhaq e Pakistan” observed on Friday said that it was a day when genuine representatives of the state passed a resolution to express their collective desire to accede to Pakistan.      He added that the day is not far when the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir would be liberated and made part of Pakistan to materialize the long dream of the Kashmiri people.

Haider Khan said that the Kashmiri leadership had unanimously decided on July 19, 1947 to attach their fate with Pakistan even before its birth by passing accession to the Pakistan resolutions to protect their religious, economic and political rights.

He recalled how in 1947, Jammu and Kashmir had ideologically decided to join Pakistan through a unanimous resolution at the residence of Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan in Srinagar.

He urged India to respect the sentiments of Kashmiri people by allowing them to decide their future with free will and in line with United Nations’ Security Council resolutions that pledge Kashmiri people their inalienable right to self-determination through a plebiscite.

The prime Minister strongly condemned state terrorism in the held valley and appealed world bodies to take a serious notice of the situation and implement recently published UN Human Rights Report.

The AJK PM said that the resolution of the Kashmir dispute is imperative for permanent peace in the region.

He expressed his profound gratitude to the government and people of Pakistan for supporting Kashmir struggle diplomatically, morally and politically.