FCCI emphasizes close liaison between employees & employers

From Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: Industrial pace & peace are directly linked with the close liaison between employees and employers while Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) will play a key role in resolving the issues confronted by its members in addition to protecting the fundamental rights of workers, said Mr. Atif Munir Sheikh President FCCI.
He was talking to a delegation of the Faisalabad Labor Federation (FLF) which was headed by veteran labor leader Mr. Aslam Wafa.
Mr. Imran Mahmood Sheikh Senior Vice President and Rana Fayyaz Ahmad Vice President FCCI were also present during this meeting.
Mr. Atif Munir Sheikh said that Provincial Minister for labour Mr. Ansar Majeed Khan Niazi along with secretary labour Mr. Liaqat Ali Chattah will visit Faisalabad and distribute cheques among the secured industrial workers on October 20, 2021. They are scheduled to visit FCCI and discuss problems confronted by our members. He assured the delegation that he will pinpoint the problems faced by the industrial workers.
He said that in order to make this meeting productive and result oriented, the officers from the labor department, social security institution and worker welfare fund would also attend this meeting.
He further said that FCCI will convene a meeting of other trade and industry related organizations with a request to fulfill their labor related obligations.
President FCCI said that records relating to labor are being digitalized which will solve most of their problems of fundamental nature. He affirmed that the Punjab Government is introducing an inspector-less regime which will discourage the hiring of boiler inspectors in different units simultaneously.
He said that under new arrangements a third party will be appointed for the inspection of boilers. “Government will soon nominate different companies for this purpose and a third party will issue the fitness certificate with full responsibility”, he said and added that the Government fee will be deposited in the treasury while the fee of the third party would be paid through cross cheque. Regarding minimum wages Mr. Atif Munir Sheikh said that employers are bound to pay minimum wages. “Most of the industrial units are already implementing this notification while he will request remaining factory owners to increase the remuneration of their workers according to this notification”, he added.

He said adding that, due to some unavoidable circumstances payment of salary is delayed but it should not be a regular practice in feature.
He assured that he will try to convince unregistered units to get their factories registered along with their full workforce. “It will ensure smooth payment of EOBI, Social Security, and other benefits to the registered workers”, he said and added that some so-called labor leaders are harassing factory owners by using different tactics.
He hoped that FLF along with FCCI would discourage such black sheep.

Mr. Aslam Wafa presented a list of problems faced by the industrial workers and said that employees and employers are wheels of a cart who have to join hands to ensure industrial peace and create maximum job opportunities for our youth.