FCCI head to oversee Vaccination of Faisalabad Industrial workers

From Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD. National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) has nominated Engineer Hafiz Ihtasham Javed, President Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) as a focal person to manage the vaccination of registered industrial workers of Faisalabad. It will help to contain Covid-19 particularly in the industrial sector of Faisalabad which is contributing a major share in textile exports.
Addressing a zoom conference organized by NCOC and chaired by the Federal Minister Mr. Asad Umar, Engineer Hafiz Ihtasham Javed appreciated the efforts of NCOC to control the Covid-19 through effective implementation of SOP’s and massive vaccination etc. at the national level.
This conference was also attended by the representatives of different chambers who shared their views and practical complications regarding implementation of corona SOP’s.
He said that the industrial sector and particularly export related industrial units of Faisalabad observed SOP’s and maintained social distancing which enabled the industrial sector to continue its normal activities in addition to achieving the export targets.
He said that as corona vaccination is available in abundance in Pakistan and peoples of different age groups are being jabbed in a phased manner. He stressed the need for the immediate vaccination of secured industrial workers. “In this connection preference must be given to the workers registered with the Punjab Employees Social Security Institution and Old Age Benefits Institution.
He said that most of the workers belong to rural areas and are reluctant to get vaccination as per their own taboos. He said that initially the industrialists had to face difficulties in convincing workers to follow SOP’s and maintain social safe distance but now they have been used to it.
He said that FCCI will launch an awareness campaign very soon to motivate workers to voluntarily get the corona vaccine and make their lives effectively safe and secure. Federal Minister Asad Umar appreciated the proposal of the President FCCI and announced to nominate Engineer Hafiz Ihtasham Javed as focal person for the proposed vaccination drive of industrial workers belonging to Faisalabad.
Mr. Asad Umar also announced to give the status of vaccination centre to the FCCI. He said that the process of vaccination of industrialists will be started very soon and medical staff and vaccination will be provided by the government. President FCCI also pointed out that a large number of exporters regularly visit different countries to get export orders whereas they are bound to get certificates of corona vaccination to travel abroad.
He said that Saudi Arabian government has approved jabs of only AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson whereas Sinocan and Sinovac which are extensively used in Pakistan are not included in the approved list of Saudi Civil Aviation Authority.
He said that FCCI has already written a letter to the concerned officials but still this matter is pending. He demanded that NCOC should take up this issue with the different governments through the ministry of foreign affairs so that the Chinese vaccine use in Pakistan could be recognized across the globe including Saudi Arabia.
Mr. Asad Umar said that he has already taken up this issue with the concerned countries and hopefully it would be resolved very soon.