FCCI to express solidarity with Palestinians on Al-Quds Day

From Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: Business community of Faisalabad will also express complete solidarity with the Palestinians on “Al-Quds Day” to be observed on Friday May 21st, 2021.
Addressing a zoom meeting, Engineer Hafiz Ihtasham Javed President Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) said that Palestine and Kashmir are the most complicated but identical issues which have posed serious threats to international peace.
Condemning the recent Israeli brutalities in Gaza, he said that hundreds of innocent women and children have been killed or crippled in indiscriminate bombardment by the Jews. He said that Palestine is not only a territorial issue but it has become a humanitarian tragedy which is constantly pinching the global conscience.

He said that innocent Palestinians have been expelled from their houses and now schools are also being targeted depriving Palestinians from shelters and now they have to spend their lives under open sky. He said that the international community and UNO must force Israel to stop attacking Gaza as it will foment poverty, hunger and disease in this historic city.
Engineer Hafiz Ihtasham Javed appreciated the principle stand of Pakistan on this issue and said that Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi are making serious efforts to defuse the situation in the Middle East.
He said that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has already adopted a resolution urging Israel to stop pounding Gaza while Pakistani Foreign Minister has launched a campaign in collaboration with other leading Islamic countries to expose the high-handedness of the Israeli leadership. President FCCI supported the UN resolution of “two nations” for this most sacred city for the Muslims, Christian and Jews.

A joint declaration was also approved pressing the UN to take up this issue on top priority basis and stop the killing of innocent people. He further said that FCCI office bearers and executive members will move separate resolutions in their respective Mosques immediately after Friday prayer to condemn Israeli aggression on May 21, 2021. The participants of the meeting also expressed complete solidarity with the Palestinians and said that the UN must ensure immediate implementation of its resolutions regarding Palestine and Kashmir.
The meeting was also attended by Senior Vice President Chaudhary Talat Mahmood and Vice President Ayub Aslam Manj, Mian Muhammad Idrees CEO(SCIL); in addition to the executive members, former presidents and chairman national group through zoom.