FCCI urges efforts for promotion of Pakistan’s soft image

FAISALABAD: Efforts of expatriates to promote and project the soft image of Pakistan at the global level are highly commendable and Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) will foster cooperate with them to give a quantum jump to the national exports, said Mr. Imran Mahmood Sheikh Senior Vice President FCCI.

He was talking to an eight member delegation of the International Business and Professional Corporation (IBPC) that met him in his office here yesterday. He said that Pakistan’s exports are dwindling at 30 billion dollars only whereas expats have so far invested 35 billion dollars in Pakistan. “It reflects their patriotism and love for the country”, he said and welcomed the efforts of the IBPC to facilitate the Pakistani SME sector by offering various facilities to them in London. He also appreciated the proposed single country exhibition during the next few months and said that it would certainly help small exporters to sneak into the UK and other EU markets with the cooperation and support of the IBPC. Mr. Imran Mahmood Sheikh said that FCCI was also planning a trade delegation for the UK in the month of April and requested the Chairman of the IBPC to help its members to have productive meetings with UK importers. He said that FCCI is very conscious about the selection of the exporters for trade delegations but they must get visas on priority basis. He said that the members who have completed at least three years are eligible for trade delegations, however he clarified that most of them belong to the SME sector and may be traveling for the first time. He requested the IBPC to inform FCCI at least four months before the organization of the proposed single country exhibition so that we could make comprehensive arrangements to participate in it.

Chaudhary Rizwan Suhlaria introduced IBPC and said that it is an apolitical organization of expatriates settled in the UK. “Its ultimate objective is to improve the overall image of Pakistan in the global community”, he said and added that its main office is in London while we had intended to open at least 40 chapters in different countries and cities but due to corona only 7 could be inaugurated. He said that the IBPC could also help the business community of Pakistan to register their companies in the UK in addition to availing other related facilities. He further said that they are arranging an Expo exclusively for Pakistanis to showcase their quality products. He said that we need the support of FCCI to make this event a total success.

The other members of the delegation also expressed their views and thanked the hospitality, cooperation and warmth of the FCCI.

Later Rana Fayyaz Ahmad Vice President offered vote of thanks and presented FCCI shield along with Imran Mahmood Sheikh SVP to Chaudhary Rizwan Suhlaria the founding chairman of the IBPC.