Federal govt removes FC commandant

ISLAMABAD: The federal government has removed Salahuddin as Commandant of Frontier Constabulary (FC).
As per details, the federal government has replaced Salahuddin with Moazzam Jah Ansari as the new Commandant of Frontier Constabulary (FC).

Salahuddin was directed to report to the establishment division. The new Commandant of Frontier Constabulary (FC) Moazzam Jah Ansari was ear-lier posted as OSD in the Establishment Division.

It’s important to note that Moazzam Jah Ansari was removed from the post of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Inspector Gen-eral of Police (IGP) due to the government’s dissatisfaction with his performance.

Earlier, the federal government removed Director General Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Muhammad Tahir Rai from the post, following a high-level reshuffle in the bureaucracy.

The federal had approved replacing DG FIA Muhammad Tahir Rai with Mohsin Butt. The incumbent government re-moved Rai Tahir after he re-fused to initiate ‘bogus’ cases against former prime minister Imran Khan pertaining to Toshakhana gifts.

The government forced DG FIA to initiate an inquiry against the PTI chief who lost his job after the latter refused to follow ‘unlawful’ orders. –Agencies