Federal Minister for Narcotics Control visits ANF headquarters

By Adnan Rafique

RAWALPINDI: Federal Minister for Narcotics Control Azam Khan Swati visited Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) Headquarters, here after assuming the portfolio of Federal Minister for Narcotics Control. He was welcomed by ANF Director General Major General Muhammad Arif Malik and senior officers of anti-narcotics force.
The director general briefed the minister on counter narcotics achievements of ANF, current drug situation and major challenges being faced with regard to trafficking of narcotics, precursor chemicals and psychotropic substances.
The minister was apprised that ANF was also undertaking drug demand reduction campaign through public awareness drives and community participation activities throughout Pakistan apart from running rehabilitation centres providing free of cost treatment to drug addicts.
The DG also highlighted that Pakistan was sharing over 2600 kilometres border with Afghanistan and has become the major victim and transit country for Afghan opiates and hashish. However, Pakistan has enforced a very effective Drug Supply and Demand Reduction Mechanism despite massive challenges and limited resources.
The minister was also informed about the organizational requirements of ANF with respect to enhancement of manpower, development of infrastructure, acquisition of latest technology and establishment of more drug treatment centres in the country. The minister appreciated ANF’s achievements, its role in combating trafficking of illicit drugs at national, regional and global level. The minister assured his all-out support to ANF for addressing the inadequacies of the force to tackle the menace more vigorously.