FIFA permanently suspends PFF

Sports Desk

Karachi: The world’s governing body of football, FIFA in its 71st Congres meeting decided to permanently suspend Pakistan Football Federation.
A voting process took place where out of 204 member nations, 203 voted that the ban must be imposed while only one vote was in PFF’s favour.
Remember, the Bureau of the FIFA Council imposed temporary suspension on April 7 after Syed Ashfaq Hussain-led group took over the PFF house charge forcefully from the FIFA-installed Normalisation Committee.
Meanwhile, Haroon Malik-led NC has released a statement where they revealed that FIFA has hailed NC’s positive steps and further sanctions were avoided.
“The suspension can be lifted once Normalisation Committee Chairman Haroon Malik, requests FIFA for lifting the suspension. This is the most positive outcome that was possible given the ongoing occupation of the PFF Headquarters by Ashfaq Shah group”.
The permanent suspension will remain until Ashfaq-group doesn’t hand over PFF’s matters to NC.