Financial instability in universities brain drain of brilliant minds: FAPUASA

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA), Federal Chapter conducted an urgent meeting on matters related to higher education budget.
The council expressed a deep concern over financial situations of universities in the country. Government should raise TTS salary by 50%, implement annual revision and offer 75% tax rebate to university teachers, said by Dr. Muhammad Jadoon, General Secretary, FAPUASA Federal Chapter. It was reiterated that the government should come forward and announce a bailout plan for deficient universities especially for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.
FAPUASA Federal Chapter emphasized that the financial instability leads to insecurity and uncertainty which would ultimately result in a severe brain drain of our brilliant minds.
The council has demanded the government to raise the budget of Higher Education Commission to 500 Billion. The council further demanded higher education commission and the government to revise the salaries of TTS faculty. TTS faculty is the most productive faculty and their performance is evaluated on the achievements of certain milestones.
The last salary revision that happened was three years back. The FAPUASA, Federal Chapter, has demanded to link salary raise of the TTS faculty to the annual budget every year.
The FAPUASA Federal chapter has also demanded to implement a 75% tax rebate for the university faculty.
Knowledge is economy and economies of nations are dependent on its knowledgeable individuals. Proper incentives are required to minimize the brain drain of these knowledgeable individuals from this country.