Firdous questions world’s silence over HR violations in Kashmir

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan on Wednesday lamented the deteriorating human rights situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). Addressing a rally in front of United National Human Rights Commissioner (UNHCR) office in Islamabad, she condemned the silence of human rights organizations over the atrocities being committed by Indian force in the held valley.
Firdous Ashiq Awan said the occupied valley has been turned into the world’s biggest prison by the Indian forces. She regretted that the basic rights of the Kashmiri people are being trampled upon in complete violations of international laws. She said the PM Imran will address the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly (AJKLA) today on occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day. The Special Assistant said that the people of Pakistan feel the pain and agony of their Kashmiri brothers and sisters.
“There are several UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir dispute and the world body should play its role for the resolution of this lingering dispute as per the aspirations of Kashmiri people,” she added. Later, the participants of the rally will submit two resolutions to the UN office in Islamabad drawing attention towards the blatant human rights violations in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Women from different segments of the society including the parliamentarians participated in the rally and raised slogans in support of Kashmiri people and against the Indian atrocities.National
Addressing the rally, which marched towards the UNHCR office, at the starting point, she said the women, including parliamentarians, members of the civil society, working journalists and housewives, had gathered here along with their children to express solidarity with the Kashmiri women and children, who were deprived of all fundamental rights including religious, human and constitutional rights.
She said they would make a human chain to express solidarity with the Kashmiri women, who had been victimized by the Indian occupation forces, using rape as a weapon of war. The observance of solidarity day meant to give a message to the international community that Pakistan would continue its support for the cause of Kashmiris and nobody could deny them their right to self-determination, she added.