Fire fighting course for Police personnel held

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: To Islamabad police personnel A firefighting course was conducted to deal with the emergency.
According to details, fire safety/life safety course was held at National Institute of Fire Technology Islamabad on the instructions of IG Islamabad Qazi Jameel-ur-Rehman. The five-day course was attended by 34 employees of the Islamabad Police. Training was provided on how to keep things safe. On the occasion, Director Training Tariq Javed Qazi said that most of the buildings have fire extinguishers and life safety equipment. But due to lack of practical knowledge, there is a high risk of increaIsing losses In this case, it is important to be trained to deal with such incidents in order to reduce the destructive effects of fire.

At the closing ceremony of the training course, Director General Safe City Muhammad Saleem distributed certificates and thanked Naeem Swati (AD Infrastructure) Director and the faculty of National Institute of Fire Technology. IGP Islamabad Qazi Jameel-ur-Rehman says the course will be very useful for police personnel and more employees will be given the opportunity to benefit from it in the future. He further said that a number of courses are being conducted for the police force which will help in enhancing the capacity of the police personnel as well as ensure the safety of life and property of the people in case of emergency.