FM discusses BSMs with Afghan counterpart

-Success of intra-Afghan talks essential for peace, stability in region, Islamabad tells Kabul

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Monday had a telephone call with his Afghan counterpart Hanif Atmar and discussed matters of mutual interests including the proposed establishment of Border Sustenance Markets (BSMs).
Highlighting Pakistan’s policy to strengthen trade between the two countries, Foreign Minister Qureshi drew Foreign Minister Atmar’s attention towards proposed establishment of Border Sustenance Markets. He underlined that it was a special initiative of Prime Minister Imran Khan to boost local trade and economic activity in the border regions.
The foreign minister expressed hope for the earliest finalization of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here said.
Reiterating Pakistan’s consistent support to a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan, he underlined that the Intra-Afghan Negotiations (IAN) provided an historic opportunity for the Afghan leadership to achieve an inclusive, broad-based and comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan. The foreign minister expressed concern on the high level of violence in Afghanistan and emphasized progress in the IAN which would also facilitate reduction in violence, leading to ceasefire.
During the call, Foreign Minister Qureshi also raised the issue of Pakistani prisoners who had been languishing in Afghan jails over minor crimes.
He expressed the hope that prisoners would be released as per the Presidential decree, providing them an opportunity to return to their families.
Mr. Qureshi said Pakistan considers holding intra-Afghan talks as a rare opportunity for lasting peace in Afghanistan stressing that the success of intra-Afghan dialogue is essential for peace and stability in the region.
The Intra-Afghan Negotiations had provided a window of opportunity for return of lasting peace in Afghanistan.
Pakistan had always held that there was no military solution of the Afghan conflict and a political settlement was the only way forward.
Pakistan would continue to play its positive role towards supporting the Afghan Peace Process and strengthening bilateral relations with Afghanistan, the press release concluded.
Meanwhile on Monday, Separate passage has been allocated at the Pakistan-Afghan border crossing in Chaman.The 12-feet long passage has been allocated for women from the NADRA to the Friendship Gate (Baab-e-Dosti). The people of the area, tribal leaders and the political parties were demanding separate passage for the women at the Pak-Afghan border since long.
Lauding the decision of the federal government, the tribal leaders thanked the government for accepting their long-awaited demand and added that separate passage for women as per the tradition of the tribal area is a good omen.
The Chaman border crossing is one of the major international border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pak-Afghan border is one of the coolest border in South Asia among all other borders at least 70 thousand peoples cross this border on the daily basis having businesses in wesh and returns back home in the evening.
A brick, double-arched Friendship Gate, rising three stories tall, was erected in 2003.