FM for early OIC meeting on IoK

Says India stands poles apart between ‘Hindutva’ and ‘Secular’
mindsets Deployment of BrahMos missiles on LoC a serious concern

MULTAN: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Sunday the Narendra Modi government’s actions have divided India into two parts. “There are the people who keep a secular mindset while the other Hindutva philosophy,” he said while talking to journalists in Multan. Qureshi said all minorities and enlightened Hindus are protesting against India’s new Citizenship Amendment Act 2019. He added 25 people have thus far been killed in the raging protests in the neighbouring country. He said the chief ministers of India’s five states have refused to implement the controversial citizenship law. He said international newspapers and magazines are carrying articles criticising the Indian government that is pursuing the Hindutva agenda. The foreign minister said the Indian government enforced curfew and communication blackout in occupied Kashmir but entire India cannot be put under curfew. He added the world has seen the real face of India. Shah Mahmood Qureshi said India has been carrying out ceasefire violations along the Line of Control and the fencing along the LoC has also been cut at five places. He said he has sent his seventh letter to UN Security Council president, apprising him of situation on the ground. He added UN Military Observers Group should brief the UN Security Council about the situation prevailing along the Line of Control. FM Qureshi said Pakistan desires an early meeting of the foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on the human rights violations in occupied Kashmir to send across a message of the entire Ummah on the issue.
Responding to a question about NAB Amendment Ordinance, he said PPP and PML-N desired review of the NAB law and now as the government has proposed some amendments, the opposition parties are trying to give it a new color. He said the matter can be resolved through mutual consultations. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Sunday said that an effective voice should be raised from the platform of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) over the issue of an anti-Muslim law in India and violations of human rights in occupied Kashmir. Addressing a press conference in Multan, the foreign minister said that Pakistan has already raised its voice over these issues. “Indian government has deprived students of education and patients of medical treatment in occupied Kashmir […] internet remains cut off,” he added. “We are aware of our responsibilities and all possible diplomatic steps are being taken in this regard,” he said, adding that “Indian designs will be unveiled” before the global community. The minister said that he took up the issue with other Islamic countries and suggested that an OIC meeting of foreign ministers should be convened. He added that he received positive response in this regard. Radio Pakistan on Sunday reported that the OIC has decided to convene a meeting on the grim human rights situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the enactment of the anti-Muslim law in India. The state-run radio service, while quoting the Kashmir Media Service, said the ministerial level OIC meeting is expected to be held in Islamabad in April 2020. Talking about Indian steps to “jeopardise regional peace and security situation”, Qureshi during his press conference said that India has cut the fence along the line of control from five points and installed Brah Mos and spike missiles. “What does this indicate?” he questioned. He added that India itself was divided over the newly passed citizenship law and quoted Indian political leader P. Chidambaram as saying that the legislation was in violation of the Indian constitution and would be struck down by Indian courts. The foreign minister said that although the Indian judiciary didn’t fulfill expectations of people in the Babri mosque case, it will quash this controversial law. He said that the controversial legislation crossed all thresholds of tolerance in India, pointing out that since protests against the law erupted, 25 people have been killed, hundreds have been arrested, and thousands of cases have been lodged. Irreparable loss to the image of India has been done among the global community, he said.–Agencies