FM mulls rising Islamophobia, IOK situation with OIC Chief

By Our Diplomatic

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Thursday met the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary-General Dr. Yousef Al-Othaimeen in Niamey.
According to a statement issued by the Foreign Office, the meeting took place in the run-up to the 47th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) in Niamey Thursday.
During the meeting, both the leaders discussed a wide range of issues confronting the Muslim Ummah, including rising Islamophobia, the situation in occupied Kashmir and Palestine, and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
FM Qureshi conveyed Pakistan’s deep concern at the aggravating human rights and humanitarian situation in occupied Kashmir and India’s moves to alter the demographic structure of the occupied territory, in clear violation of UN resolutions and international law including the 4th Geneva convention.
He expressed appreciation at the OIC’s consistent and historic support for the Kashmir cause.
The foreign minister also apprised the secretary general about the initiative by Pakistan for adoption of a resolution on Islamophobia by the 47th CFM.
The secretary general appreciated Pakistan’s role as a founding and active member of the OIC.
He reaffirmed OIC’s steadfast support on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. The secretary general noted that his special envoy on Jammu and Kashmir visited Pakistan and AJK earlier this year and that the special envoy’s report would be submitted to the CFM.
He also shared his perspective on the issue of Islamophobia and apprised that the latest report of OIC’s Islamophobia Observatory was also due to be released at the CFM.
The OIC Secretary General’s Special Envoy on Jammu and Kashmir Ambassador Yousef Al-Dodeay, Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the OIC and other senior officials were also present in the meeting.