FM urges peaceful solution for Kashmir dispute

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has urged the world community including United Nations and OIC to play their role for a peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute.
Addressing an international Seminar on Kashmir in Islamabad on Wednesday, he also appealed to the Muslim countries to use their political influence and economic clout to prevent India from committing atrocities in illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
The foreign minister said the Kashmiris are continuously being subjected to a brutal military siege and inhuman restrictions. Deploring the state-sponsored terrorism and crimes against humanity by Indian occupation forces against the people of IIOJK, he urged world powers to pressurize India to adhere to its international human rights obligations.
Counting on Pakistan s efforts to highlight the Kashmir issue at international level, he said through its successful foreign policy and narrative building efforts, Pakistan has successfully countered Indian narrative on terrorism and Kashmir.
He said world is no longer buying Indian narrative on Kashmir blindly due to Pakistan s efforts. In this regard, he appealed the Pakistani expatriate community to play their role vibrantly to highlight Indian atrocities throughout the world. He also stressed on promoting parliamentary diplomacy to highlight the Kashmir dispute.
Reiterating Pakistan’s support, Qureshi said Pakistan will never abandon the Kashmiri people and it will continue to support the just struggle of Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination.