FMs of Kyrgyzstan, Austria discuss bilateral interests

Bishkek: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Ruslan Kazakbaev hada telephone conversation with Austria’s Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Alexander Schallenberg, Kyrgyz media reported on Sunday.
The press service of the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry reported that during the phone talk, the two ministers discussed current issues of bilateral cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and Austria, in particular, holding this year’s inter-ministerial consultations and the joint development of a cooperation program between the Foreign Ministries of Kyrgyzstan and Austria for 2022-2023 years.
The sides noted the importance of implementing the results of the 7th meeting of the Kyrgyz-Austrian Joint Commission on Economic Relations, held in 2020, and holding its next meeting.
An issue of organization of reciprocal visits at high and highest level was touched upon.
In addition, the Austrian side inquired about the events and the current situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border. Kazakbaev noted the importance of resolving the conflict only through constructive peaceful dialogue between the sides, and stressed the need to respect earlier agreements on a cease-fire and the withdrawal of troops.
The Kyrgyz minister also expressed hope for the support of Austria and the European Union in the process of reconstruction and peace-building work in Batken Oblast.
For his part, Austrian Federal Minister of European and International Affairs Alexander Schallenberg expressed condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims of the conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border, noting the importance of achieving peace and stability through diplomatic efforts. – Agencies