Foreign performers thrive on China stages

BEIJING: China’s National Day holidays are often a peak season for the culture and tourism sector, as Chinese flock to tourist destinations and cinemas.
For this year, with the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and an extended 8-day holiday from Sept. 29 to Oct. 6, many Chinese have opted for overseas destinations. For those who do not go abroad, China’s domestic stages are offering them quality alternatives to enjoy diverse culture.
In the southern Guangdong Province, the Amsterdam Theatre A Cappella Choir will perform in the cities of Zhuhai, Shenzhen, and Zhongshan from Monday to Wednesday. Founded in 2005, the singing group will perform songs in multiple languages, including Dutch, German, and Italian.
In Beijing, the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA), China’s prime theater, will stage the classic ballet “The Nutcracker” on Friday and Saturday. Performed by dancers from the northeastern city of Harbin, the new version is choreographed by the famous Canadian choreographer Peter Quanz. The year 2023 has seen more foreign artists perform in China. Many of them made their debut on or returned to the Chinese stages. Their performances have been well-received in the Chinese market and have contributed to a rebounding performing arts industry.
“La Traviata,” one of the most famous operas by Giuseppe Verdi, was the first foreign classical opera to be introduced to China when staged at the Beijing Tianqiao Theatre in 1956. –Agencies