Former head of geological survey expelled from CPC

BEIJING: Zhong Ziran, the former head of the China Geological Survey, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China for suspected serious violations of disciplines and laws, said the country’s top anti-graft watchdogs on Friday.
The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of Supervision said in a statement that they investigated Zhong’s violations, and he is alleged of serious violations of duty, bribery and intentional disclosure of state secrets.
His case and associated assets have been transferred to the procuratorial authorities for review and prosecution, the statement said. It was reported that he resisted organizational investigations, engaged in superstitious activities, accepted gifts and money and attended banquets that could potentially influence the impartial execution of official duties.
Zhong also failed to truthfully report personal matters, nor faithfully explained issues during organizational inquiries. He sought benefits for others and received assets during cadre selection and employee recruitment, engaged in trading power, money and sex.
He used his positions to seek benefits for others in enterprise operations, project contracting, mining rights approval. In return, he received large sums of money. Besides, he violated national confidentiality regulations and intentionally leaked state secrets. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item