Forum honors top scientists in Shanghai

Shanghai: The World Laureates Forum, an annual gathering of top scientists from across the world since 2018, kicked off its fifth edition in Shanghai on Sunday with an award ceremony for the inaugural WLA Prize, which is set to bring new impetus to global scientific research and exchanges.
The WLA Prize, established by the World Laureates Association last year to recognize and support eminent researchers and technologists worldwide for their contributions to science, announced its two inaugural winners in September. Computer scientist and statistician Michael I. Jordan from the United States won the award for computer science or mathematics, while German biochemist Dirk Goerlich received the prize in life science or medicine. Both came to Shanghai for the award ceremony and the annual forum, which runs through Monday. Each winner was awarded a prize of 10 million yuan ($1.37 million). “The prizes are awarded for achievements in basic science. In the understandable rush to solve practical problems and also to profit from science, it is often forgotten that basic science is foundational,” said Roger Kornberg, chairman of the WLA and a Nobel laureate in 2006. Jordan said the three missions of the WLA — promoting basic science, advocating international cooperation and supporting the growth of young people — are strikingly aligned with the vision he outlined in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, which must also thrive and be realized through international cooperation.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item