Forum on cross regional media fusion among BRI States held

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai
islambad: A conference on media fusion of BRI States held under the agexis of CGSS. The session commenced with the opening remarks by Major General Syed Khalid Amir Jaffery HI(M), (Retd), President CGSS who stated that BRI is a comprehensive project to promote regional connectivity.
Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan dilated on the significance of media fusion of BRI states. She stated that President Xi Jinping’s vision of BRI is a harbinger of new era of connectivity and will bridge the gap between North and South. Sustainable progress is being made in the CPEC project and emphasis is being made on socioeconomic development and agriculture sector. BRI and CPEC are reshaping the geo-economic landscape and bringing prosperity not only for Pakistan but shared development for the entire region. CPEC has created twenty thousand scholarships for the students of Pakistan and one thousand schools will be developed under this project. Scope of CPEC has beenbroadened to benefit the people of Pakistan. Dr. Firdous appreciated the positive role of media in Pakistan to eliminate the negative propaganda against CPEC. She stated that organization of such conferences and discussion forums is the major way to exterminate such misconceptions. BRI is the future of the region.
Madam Pang Chunxue, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Islamabadstated that China is the engine of economic growth and has brought more opportunitiesfor shared development for all partners. China is building a new model that features no conflict, rejects cold war, power politics and creates win-win situation for all. China has promoted peaceful diplomacy and cooperation that aims at building a world with shared prosperity. In a nutshell, peace and stability is the need of the time and BRI is important to achieve this goal. BRI will cut the global cost on trade.
From Uzbekistan, Mr. IsmailovMuzaffar, Chief Editor, UZREPORT, Tashkent presented his views on Uzbekistan’s new strategy of development through media integration. He stated that Uzbekistan is working diligently for media development and many new government and private channels have been launched with the objective to create awareness among the masses regarding the real facts of the BRI project. The main focus is to promote useful information and discuss it from methodological point of view.
Representing Azerbaijan, Mr. ShahinJafarov, Senior Correspondent, Azerbaijan State News Agency, Baku stated that BRI is not only a financialproject but is also a cultural project that helps in connecting different communities and promotes regional integration and mutual cooperation. He stated that we have gained infrastructural achievements through BRI and have established six new international airports.
Mr. AsadInam, CEO, X2O (PVT) Ltd stated that Asia in the past had no comparison with the other continents but through China’s initiative of BRI, Asia is now considered as the biggest economies in the world. All this progress that has been made can be promoted through media. Advertising can play a very vital role for BRI. He stated that interaction must be developed on the Government level and international markets must be established to promote regional cooperation.
Mr. UladzislauSychevich, Journalist, Publishing House “Belarus Today”, Minsk from Belarus in his speech highlighted the strategic importance of Belarus. He stated that geographical position of Belarus is very significant for BRI. In 2016, media international forum was established to promote exchange of information and cooperation. BRI is the key to regional transformation. He stated that Belaurs24 is beingbroadcasted in 100 countries of the world and telecasts positive news in the BRI information sphere.
Ambassador Akbar Gasemi – Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Iranstressed upon Iran’s strategic partnership with Beijing, He stated that we are experiencinginternational regional development in its critical condition. Pakistan has decisive role being a regional actor for security and development. Media has its constructive role to promote exclusive cooperation in west and Asian region.
Mr. MudassarTipu, Director General China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad highlightedthe regional cooperation through the platform of Media. He stated thatCPEC is a priority project. Pakistan’s media is very vibrant but we must make sure that the news that is being reported is objective and not false. We believe that CPEC is aguaranteed progress initiative and will bring a qualitative shift for Pakistan’s image.
The second session commenced with the speech by Dr. Moeed Yusuf, Chairperson Strategic Policy Planning Cell (SPPC), Prime Minister Secretariat, Islamabad who was Guest of the Honor. He stated that BRI must not be observed on infrastructural basis rather it must be analyzed in terms of connectivity.
Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision is based on economic diplomacythrough integration with global market. South Asia is the least integrated region in the world. BRI is the key pillar in establishing people to people contact. Acceptance and celebration of diversity is the need of the time and information sharing platforms must be developed regarding the BRI project.