Four sins in US anti-virus struggle

The US registered over 100,000 daily COVID-19 cases on Friday, the highest since early February this year. The death toll also saw a surge. In May, US President Joe Biden touted the anti- epidemic achievement in the country and endorsed the CDC guidance that fully vaccinated Americans no longer had to wear masks in most settings. On July 27, the US CDC changed its mind and urged vaccinated people in certain areas of the US to resume wearing masks indoors in public areas. It has met with outrage from many Republicans. The fight against the pandemic is a mess, as always. Biden tweeted on Sunday, “What is happening in America right now is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” On one hand, this aims to scare those who refuse to get vaccinated. On the other, he was looking for an excuse for his government’s inability to fight the pandemic – he implied that his government has done a good job, and the resurgence of the pandemic can be attributed to the unvaccinated. It must be pointed out that the US holds major responsibility for the global spread of the pandemic. Every aspect of what the US has done in terms of epidemic prevention is disappointing. The previous US administration behaved like a fatuous villain, while the current one only plays hypocrisy and pays lip service. To put it more precisely, it committed four sins and deserves to be scolded. First, the most number of COVID-19 cases and deaths occurred in the US. The US not only tramples on humanitarianism, but also becomes the largest spreader of the pandemic. Despite being equipped with vaccine, it is again ranked the top in terms of daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases. This is the US’ collective destruction against human beings’ fight on the pandemic. If there was a global government, Biden’s team would be held to account. Second, the US, the world’s most technologically advanced country with the strongest comprehensive strength, has contributed little to the global fight against the virus. The external material support it has received so far heavily outweighs the assistance it has provided to other countries in fighting COVID-19. The US’ only contribution was participating in developing vaccines. But up to now, the country has merely exported a small number of vaccines. At the initial stage of the pandemic, the US failed to provide much-needed supplies, such as masks and ventilators, nor did it make progress in developing specific medicines. The US government as well as the US’ elite forces have not assumed responsibility as a superpower at the critical moment of a global crisis. Third, with a strongest Western-style democratic system, the US’ performance in the face of the pandemic has a strong demonstrative effect for the West and many other countries. The US has done little in the overall organization of dealing with the virus. The country often ignores science, and its battle against the virus is chaotic.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item